First things first children, so let's all grab a snack and board the Britney Spears real estate crazy train right away this morning and get it over with. Two days ago it was widely rumored and reported that back in the saddle pop star ... Records and reports show that Miss Ferrera, who of course does not have a mouthful of metal in real life, scooped up the 3 bedroom and 3.5 bathroom house on Rodgerton Drive in the Beachwood Canyon area in April of 2008 for $1415000. ...
LOCATION: Rodgerton Drive, Los Angeles, CA PRICE: $1415000. SIZE: 3523 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. DESCRIPTION: Architectural 3500sf open floor plan with lofty vaulted ceilings. 3BR/3BA plus elegant powder room, family room, ...
Property records show Mister Metcalfe purchased the 3919 square foot Mediterranean-ish style house on twisty-turny Rodgerton Drive in September of 2004 just about the time as he was leaving Harmony for Wisteria Lane. ...